Secondary Coordinator (Management and Careers)
MBA, MEdPsych, PGDipEdPsych, BA, Dip Pri Tch
Baptised at aged 15, I made a commitment to serve Christ for the rest of my life. This decision combined with an absolute passion for learning and education has resulted in my teaching in Adventist schools for the majority of my career. I have completed 5 university degrees beginning with a Primary Teaching Diploma majoring in Mathematics which catapulted me straight into Secondary Teaching. Upgrading to a Bachelor of Arts, again with a Mathematics major enabled me to focus solely on teaching senior Mathematics. Loving to learn I have since completed a Master of Educational Psychology and a Master of Business Administration.
My career began with 2 years as a missionary in South Korea teaching English and Bible before heading for an adventure to work at Longburn Adventist College in New Zealand which I thought I would do for just 1 year. 20 years of service later I left New Zealand with a Kiwi husband and 2 children to work at Brisbane Adventist College where I have taught for the past 15 years.
My role today is varied, teaching senior Mathematics and being the Head of the Secondary Mathematics Department. I also organise and action some of the managerial tasks in the Secondary School and organise and offer Careers information and advice to our senior students.
I have high expectations of all of my students, aiming to bring the best out in each student by offering a positive attitude, dedication, consistency and warmth as I encourage and inspire students to do and be their very best and ultimately fulfill God’s plan for their life.
Proverbs 3: 5 -6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make direct your paths.