Principal's First Principles

Friday, 18 Nov 2022

Principal's First Principles: Millimetre by Millimetre, Onwards.

Addressing College graduates can be a daunting proposition but also a great privilege. You pray you will say the right thing - the best thing. You wish you could prepare them for every eventuality but you know you cannot. You must trust that the values they've acquired in their childhood will guide them through their adulthood. If you've journeyed with them over the years of their schooling, you'll know them well. Snippets of conversations cross your mind as you glance from face to face and…

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Friday, 11 Nov 2022

Principal's First Principles: Why Family Mealtimes are so Important

Family mealtimes do more than simply nourish the body. They also feed the emotional health of individuals, and part of the reason for this is that they draw families together. Sitting down at a table together is a long-lost tradition for many, but the benefits are as substantial as ever. When informal opportunities like this for bonding mount up, your children grow up healthier and develop strong bonds with you and each other. Eight benefits of family mealtimes A handy 'temperature check':…

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Friday, 30 Sept 2022

Principal's First Principles: A place to belong

When we speak of learning at Brisbane Adventist College, we allude to two factors: influence and growth. We not only address a child’s ability to process cognitively, and problem-solve, but also devote our efforts to character development; particularly around our values of integrity and respect, the basis of strong relationships for which God created us. When relationships are strong, students feel safe, they operate in joy, and where there is joy, there is belonging. "A child’s future…

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