Bus service

Our bus service operates eight buses across a wide Brisbane footprint.

To achieve a fair service to all travellers, we do not offer door-to-door service, but rather utilise main roads and council bus stops. A waiting list may apply on some routes as availability is dependent on spare seats. Preference is given to 'unlimited fare' travellers from the furthest zone.

Fares are calculated based on zones travelled, and your zone is determined by the straight line distance in kilometres between your home and BAC.

If you require the BAC bus service, please download and complete the Bus Requirement Form. Once completed, email to buses@bac.qld.edu.au

Route maps and timetables

Please note that bus routes may change over the course of each year.

Stops and routes may change depending on requirements and availability - these maps are just a guide for parents.

You can use the interactive maps below to see which bus routes and stops are most convenient for you. Some routes and stops are slightly different for AM and PM timetables so please check both maps.

To see the list of stops and the arrival/departure times for each route, zoom in or open the menu on each map.

Morning routes
Afternoon routes

Bus Travel Parent App

We currently use School Travel Manager (STM) and the STM Parent App for our private bus service. The cloud-based system incorporates swipe on/swipe off technology, increasing safety for student travellers, and information availability for parents. A live feed allows parents to view the exact location of both their child and the bus, and receive alerts regarding delays due to poor weather or traffic conditions. With this system, you can rest assured that all compliance standards are met in full.