BAC Students Unite for Harmony Week Project

This week, we embraced the richness of our cultural diversity through a vibrant community art project led by Year 11 students Jessica R (left) and Ruby M (right) as part of Arts in Practice. The project celebrates Harmony Week and the theme: Everyone Belongs.

Harmony Week
Jessica R and Ruby M led a collaborative art project to celebrate Harmony Week

At the heart of the initiative is the message that everyone has value, regardless of culture or heritage. Governor-General of Australia David Hurley and his wife Linda emphasised the importance of weeks like this when discord is so often evident in the public conversation these days:

"Bound by an underlying respect for each other, for our right to disagree, and for our institutions, and bound by the characteristics we see throughout our community, compassion, humility, and a gritty determination and willingness to take on the big challenges... I see examples of this goodness every day. The people doing these great deeds are all different, but they all make an outstanding contribution to the community. That is worth celebrating."

Each Primary class brought their unique touch to the project: Preppies crafted paper flowers; Years 1, 2, and 3 added handprints; Year 4 students made people chains; and students from Years 5 and 6 wrote message chains about inclusion and belonging, and how diversity characterises and shapes our community.

The finished artwork is displayed on the undercover deck of the Multi-Purpose Centre. Our student project coordinators have set up an observation deck for viewing and reflecting on the message of unity and diversity that defines our school.

Year 5 Class Visiting Harmony Week Art
Year 5 Class Visiting Harmony Week Art

Thank you, Ruby and Jessica. Initiatives like this reinforce the College's commitment to fostering an environment where every student feels valued, respected, and empowered to embrace their unique, God-given identity.

Reference: Arts in Practice is a subject in the Applied Senior Syllabus that weaves art into the fabric of community. The idea is to engage and inspire, enriching lives, stimulating curiosity and imagination, and encouraging people to reach their creative and expressive potential. As demonstrated by this project, the subject gives students opportunities to learn, problem-solve, design, and create art to communicate intention with diverse audiences.