We are excited to showcase our new PE and Sports uniform. Our aim was to create a uniform of increased quality, comfort and flexibility, while maintaining affordability. The refreshed design strengthens College identity and visibility on and off the sporting field. It also aligns the PE uniform with BAC Sports team wear, as they now share a common look and feel. College stakeholders, including students, parents and staff, alumni and the College Advisory Council, were involved in the design process.
We are pleased to begin the implementation phase of our new PE uniform. It is our belief that the new PE uniform range will be more serviceable for our families while modernising and bringing consistency to our updated visual identity across the College.
Peter Charleson - Principal
The New PE Uniform Range
The new design minimises the use of white, with ink/navy blue the predominant colour. Elements of sky blue, white and gold lift the overall look. The College crest features on all upper garments, while the ‘BAC’ icon features on all lower garments.
Selected fabric is performance appropriate, minimising wear and increasing comfort. New items have been added to the range in an effort to provide students with affordable alternatives and improved fit options.

The New BAC Sports Uniform Range
The design of the new BAC Sports range is now consistent across all sports and aligns with the new PE uniform. A new range of training garments is currently under development and will be released in the coming months.
The ‘BAC’ icon features prominently on all BAC Sports uniforms, while the College crest is only featured on the on-field uniforms. The Adventist symbol is featured as a locker tag on the upper garment of each on-field uniform.
Sublimated garments are lightweight yet durable, and every effort was made to ensure specialty uniform requirements were met.

Frequently Asked Questions
Why introduce a new PE and BAC Sports range? The decision was made to introduce a new PE and BAC Sports uniform after feedback from College stakeholders regarding the design and quality of the current uniform.
What is the difference between the PE and BAC Sports range? The new PE uniform will replace the College-wide sports uniform. All students from Prep to Year 12 are required to wear this uniform for curricular activities. BAC Sports refers to all competitive teams, including basketball, touch football and futsal/football, and their specialist uniform requirements.
How will the new uniform be phased in? The new uniform will be available for purchase from 2023, at which time a two-year transition period will begin. During this transition period, existing students can choose to wear either the new PE uniform or discontinued sports uniform. New families to BAC in 2024 will be required to purchase and wear the new PE uniform. The compulsory change will come into effect in January 2025.
Has the College considered the cost impact on families? Yes, the cost impact on families has been at the forefront of all decision-making during this process. The two-year transition period (commencing January 2023) will allow BAC families time to plan and prepare for the compulsory change in 2025.
Discontinued sports uniform items will be available for 50% off retail price. Pricing of the new uniform is in line with previous uniform prices, and the general market for school uniforms.
I have a child already at BAC. What does this mean for me? Families are encouraged to purchase the new uniform, or take advantage of the two-year transition period and discounted uniform prices.
I am new to BAC in 2023. What does this mean for me? Families are encouraged to purchase the new uniform, or take advantage of the two-year transition period and discounted uniform prices.
I am new to BAC in 2024. What does this mean for me? New families to BAC in 2024 will be required to purchase and wear the new PE uniform.
Can students mix pieces from the old and new range? No. PE uniforms may only be worn as a complete set - mixing of new and discontinued items is not permitted.
What sizes will be available? The Uniform Shop will stock sizes from 4C (children’s size 4) through to 6XL.
What happens to the old uniform after 2025? BAC is working with Textile Recyclers Australia (TRA) to dispose of old uniforms responsibly. To learn more about TRA’s mission, visit their website.
What about second hand uniforms? Limited stock of the discontinued uniform will be available for purchase via Sustainable School Shop until December 2024. Stock of the new PE uniform will gradually increase over time.
Will a range of accessories be available for purchase? Yes. A range of accessories will be phased in throughout the year and will be available for purchase at the Uniform Shop from 2023. Items such as hats, water bottles, swimming caps and lycra shorts will be available.