Artists #ChooseJoy Together
A small group of artists from various grades and support, teaching, and leadership roles across the school gathered this morning in the Secondary Visual Arts room. Their mission was to create nine captivating pieces of multimedia, abstract art that would contribute to the overall look and theme of this year's Reflections yearbook. Fresh off the exhilaration of last week's WOW event, the artists channeled their thoughts and emotions about the theme #ChooseJoy into layers of shape, colour, and…
Speakers Show the Way to #ChooseJoy in WOW Week
This week, Priscilla Mariassouce and Rhys Charleson have painted a powerful word picture of what it means to truly #ChooseJoy. The five-day Week of Worship (WOW), which ended today, has immersed students in the joy of colour, music, drama, prayer, and storytelling. From a mosaic of experience, a clear image has emerged: choose Jesus, accept His gift of salvation, and this will lead you to profound and lasting joy. Who are Priscilla and Rhys? Rhys is our guest speaker for Primary WOW. He…